Sunday, 30 August 2015

Eggciting News!

I've had to take a little break from blogging and recipe writing as I fractured my thumb and wrist last month. I've now graduated from the cast to a brace but it's still a little too tricky to cook when it's on my dominant hand.  

I have some egg-citing news though, which is why I have popped in today. Miss E had an egg challenge this week. At first she did not want to go anywhere near the egg! Which means I did my job in giving her awareness about her allergies but it also meant we had to fight her to eat it. I ended up bribing her with stickers and she gave in and ate it. Then I stood there, feeling like every second was lasting an hour, waiting, waiting, waiting for a reaction. Having seen her react in a a matter of minutes in the past, it was so hard to stop myself from freaking out but.... No anaphylaxis or serious reaction!!! WOOOOHOOOO! I can't eggs-aggerate how egg-stremely egg-static we are about this egg-citing news!!!!! 

 This is Miss E's I can't believe it face!

She did get some slight redness in her cheeks, so as a precaution she is only allowed egg in baked goods at the moment and they will retest in the future. It's still a major step forward for us. I love love love eggs and we hadn't even been allowed to have them in the house since 2011. It was an occasion that needed photographic evidence! 

I have some recipes that are ready to go for blog posts, I just need to be able to make them and take photos before posting! Hopefully my physio gives me clearance for some brace free time next week. 

Happy Cooking!
Jasmine x